Looking glass

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The Track.

Friday, June 27th, 2008

Went to the track to see some cars. Here’s a few pictures.

Voice activated light stand. Mainly just a picture to show how the next photos were taken.

“Aura of light” as Mike put it.

That’s it for now, maybe a few more samples of the speedlight later.

Shotgun Assignment for Volvospeed

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Woke up at 4:30 this morning and yesterday trying to get the sunrise. Yesterday was better, but today didn’t have the color I was looking for in the background. I’m going to start going earlier and staying later more often to see if I can get some good color in the sky(next assignment). The category for the shotgun was “Downtown.” What a better place to shoot than downtown Durham? Photo was taken on W Pettigrew street at about 5:20AM, a few minutes before city twilight(5:31AM).

Anyway, here’s the entry, straight off the camera without editing besides resizing.

(click for larger 10×7 image)

A few from Friday

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

This is Friday night at Vespa, on Franklin Street. Kinda got shut down early.

Enjoy ’em. I’m going through the photos of Emerge so expect those up sometime this week.

Misc – 05.22.08

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Just a few from the D80. Took a few mins a photoshop with a few, just to mess around.

Trip back from Purdue.

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

More pictures. Nothing special, no post processing besides color and slight contrast adjust. Didn’t photoshop out mirrors or anything :-\

Too bad I couldn’t even get the camera straight or frame it right. Leading lines are good though, but man it’s crooked. Whatever though.

again with the framing. I didn’t want to hang out the window though.

check out that mirror!!!!

Nice, huh? High ISO, so ignore the grain.

again with the grain. I think this is the best picture of the lot though.

A few of Purdue.

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Favorite shots of a few purdue cars.


Very Very Low.


RX8 in the trees

Bobby\'s Rollin\'.

Just trying to put up a few.