Looking glass

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Vintage, 2011.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Too many nice cars to count, but here are a few to view.

As you can see, plenty of cars.


Inka Orange. Zender Wide Body.

J’adore turbo 2002s. Just so classic.

People were scared of the color, I suppose.


I enjoyed the show, I hope you did if you went!

Southern Worthersee. May 2011.

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Hanging out windows is how you get good shots.

fooling around with some strobes and shutter drag.

Marr’s (sic) S70 on air.

Sums up the whole weekend in one photo.

Two Minute Portrait

Monday, March 14th, 2011

It seems we’ve traveled space and time! Oh, no, that’s just how often I update this blog. Side affect of Dean’s List?

Over spring break I visited some friends of mine in Savannah, GA who attend SCAD. One of works at the photo building, and is doing a photo minor. She has some access to some sick equipment. We went down to their studio (on the 3rd floor of a downtown Savannah building) just before sunset. While we were getting everything setup I grabbed my equipment and used my single strobe to get some cool portraits going. Impromptu, but you get the idea. From the time I took the first frame to the first ‘usable’ frame was 2:04.  Blistering? Nah, but I’m coming for that #1 spot!


Take a frame of the background, get ambient and check settings.


Setup strobe. Bouncing off a close white wall will do. Laying the flash down will work fine too. Who needs a light stand in 3 ft of working space?

Elapsed time: 0:30


Get light right, and balance flash and ambient.

Elapsed time: 1:18


Hide command flash, check shadows, get a usable frame, and keep on truckin’.

Elapsed time: 2:04. NEW RECORD!

Two frames later, the winner, at 8:03:56PM.

It’s been a long summer.

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

So Antonio is about to leave for school and he wanted a nice photo for his computer’s wallpaper. Here it is. Shot on Duke campus with 2 speed lights and an empty stomach. It’s been a busy summer, but at least I got to shoot a little. I have a feeling at school I’ll be even busier. Whatever, enjoy the photo.

15mm to 75mm

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Okay, seriously, I’m an ultrawide whore(that means I like them a lot). But nothing is wrong with a 50 1.8 on a crop body.

Sigma 10-20 @ 10mm.

The rest are 50 1.8 on the D80.

That’s it for now. Thankfully I’m out of classes for summer so hopefully I’ll be shooting more! Hope you enjoyed them.

It’s been too long.

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Work + School = no time to shoot or edit.

Here’s something I went to on Saturday, the 27th. Ray Korman’s BMW shop.

‘sall for now, I guess. See you in a few years? I hope not.

Juan’s 350z.

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

He got new spacers. So what. Just like the maxima meet, I didn’t have a polarizer for 77mm.




Maxima Meet

Sunday, September 13th, 2009




Crosstour spotted.

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

225/60 18″s all around it seems. Someone noted it’s interior was very similar to the Accord’s.

Here are the photos:




EDIT: This was featured on Autoblog.


Monday, August 24th, 2009

Need to get a little bit better at photoshop. Here’s what we produced:

final copy