Looking glass

Archive for June, 2008

Seeing Red

Monday, June 30th, 2008

The Morning Monster. Well, not every morning, that wouldn’t be great for my heart.

Impromptu, like most pictures I take. Evolved into full on lighting. Key light was a simple 100W CFL in a desklamp, backlight is the SB-600 with several red(obviously) gels. Enjoy.

One more for fun from Saturday night. Please ignore the stupid faces I’m making while running around in the dark. 😀 thanks.

Example of a portrait with the SB-600.

Friday, June 27th, 2008

So I said in a post a few mins ago that I might give another example. I guess this is it. 2 updates for the price of one since I haven’t done one in a while. Thought this was a good picture demonstrating the power of a single off camera flash fired camera right. SB-600 on 1/4(I believe. ) I guess this is “Self Portrait Round 3” well, really 4, but who’s keeping track? hah. And without further a due…

Like I said… Flash 1/4 power camera right. Small fill from window camera left. ISO 100 if I recall correctly.

Areas for improvement?

Snoot the flash to keep it tighter. all this light spill is lame, but then again it was diffused on the flash head. Whatever, I’m going to sleep since I’m rambling. Longest comment for a single picture.

The Track.

Friday, June 27th, 2008

Went to the track to see some cars. Here’s a few pictures.

Voice activated light stand. Mainly just a picture to show how the next photos were taken.

“Aura of light” as Mike put it.

That’s it for now, maybe a few more samples of the speedlight later.